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5 Undeniable Reasons to Love RFID

That’s right; we’re in the spirit of ‘love’ this February. In honor of Valentine’s Day, we bring you 5 Reasons to Love RFID.

5 – Protection and Insurance

RFID tags and readers are not easily embraced when it comes to infringement of privacy, however; there are many ways that RFID tags help us remain safe and protect ourselves, our assets, and others against harm. Time sensitive goods are shipped and delivered every day. Using RFID tools and equipment we can verify where these goods are, when they are delivered, and who they are delivered to.

Not only can RFID help with proof of delivery it can also be used to serve as a proof of ownership. If you don’t currently have a way of proving to the insurance company that you had all this equipment and something unexpected happened it might be a little tricky making sure you’re covered. However, if you have monthly reports that show all of this equipment, that’s good proof those pieces of equipment were actually there.

Businesses can have greater piece-of-mind when it comes to asset tracking when using an RFID system.

4 – Compliance & Standards

Compliance mandates are meant to achieve real-time visibility, accurate identification, and data collection. With specific mandates in place such as those from both Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense requires that RFID readers are able to capture tag data and RFID implementation contains only unique tag identifiers. When making a decision on an RFID solution, be aware that the software should contain the most up-to-date mandates to meet compliance.

3 – Enterprise Ready

Integration into an enterprise supply chain management system is relatively easy. RFID systems can be initiated in stages or built up over time as needs materialize. This type of approach keeps costs and risks associated low. Under unique circumstances, typical application software will not meet the specific needs of the business and in this case a custom application can be developed. Working with a programmer or implementing a service level agreement (SLA) will assist in a smooth deployment.

2 – Business Intelligence

Identifying how customers are using products and services can lead to business development and growth. Using wristbands, in a sports or theme park for example, can give the organization insight on what areas of the park are being used and even the high traffic times during the day or during the year for future decisions on upgrades, expansions, and targeting special offers to customers.

1 – Time and Cost Savings

The operational benefits of putting a tracking system with RFID technology in place can lead to a 300% return on investment within the first two years. Businesses will see time reductions and a boost in accuracy when it comes to audits and inventory which will lead to more efficiency and productivity.




Click Here for more information on RFID or call 800-281-3056

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